Ecozones are global, broadly ecological divisions. Each zone has a characteristic interplay of climatic factors, morphodynamics, soil-forming processes, living conditions for plants and animals, and production potentials for agriculture and forestry. In the (hierarchical) systems of natural regions, whose basic unit is the ecotope, the term ecozone represents the highest class heading. Below ecozones are ecoregions, which may be divided into further subdivisions like the eco-provinces and eco-districts (in this hierarchical order).
According to Schultz (1988, 2000, 2002 and 2005; see link below for full references) nine ecozones can be defined:
1. Polar subpolar zone;
2. Boreal zone;
3. Temperate (or humid) midlatitudes;
4. Dry (or arid) midlatitudes;
5. Subtropics with winter rain (or Mediterranean-type subtropics);
6. Subtropics with year-round rain (or humid subtropics);
7. Dry tropics and subtropics (or tropical/subtropical arid lands);
8. Tropics with summer rain (or seasonal tropics); and
9. Tropics with year-round rain (or humid tropics)
Links: (also source of the image).
The lower facial margin is sometimes called the epistoma, but this term should be avoided because it is ambiguous (Crampton 1942, pp. 16-17).
Crampton, G.C., 1942. A guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part VI. THe Diptera or true flies of Connecticut. First Fassicle. The external morphology of the Diptera. - Bulletin of the Connecticut State Beological and Natiral History Survey 64: 10-165. (Reprint 1966).
Latin: others, and others, of others.
Most often used in citation of references. For example: Cumming, J.M., B.J. Sinclair & D.M. Wood, 1995. Homology and phylogenetic implications of male genitalia in Diptera-Eremoneura. Entomologica Scandinavica 26: 120-151 in running text will most often be cited as 'Cumming et al., 1995'.