Thread subject: :: Fannia request a species -> Fannia pallitibia/pruinosa

Posted by Pat02 on 03-11-2022 14:23

Hi !

I found this Fannia fly in a little forest of north of France.
Is it possible to go farther the genus


Edited by Pat02 on 24-11-2022 14:23

Posted by Pat02 on 19-11-2022 17:23

My little Fannia have no success :|
Should we settle for a Fannia sp. ?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-11-2022 11:55

Female of Fannia. Yellow tibiae may help. Which data? Autumn?

Posted by Pat02 on 20-11-2022 17:36

Thanks Nikita for your interest.

> Which data? Autumn?
Date of observation : 27/10/2022
Size : env 6 mm
Place : Hauts-de-France (Besmé : 02300)

Maybe an ID ... :)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-11-2022 23:10

Well, in late autumn females of F. pruinosa/pallitibia are very common in Europe. Both species have yellowish tibiae exactly as your female.

Posted by Pat02 on 20-11-2022 23:36

Thank you very much, Nikita, for your time and your ID :)

I'll watch this tandem carefully.

Best regards,

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 20-11-2022 23:40

As for me, I suspect that pruinosa and pallitibia are the same.

Posted by Pat02 on 21-11-2022 08:43

Hello Nikita

Like you, Adrian C. PONT ("A Revision of the Fanniidae and Muscidae described by J. W. MEIGEN") cannot separate the females of these "two species".

For the males ("key to males of European species of Fannia"), Barták & al. considers two species with very tiny differences. He don't say that males of F. pruinosa have setose parafacials, like I read in this post. So, I don't found a picture of these setae ...

I note the probable confusion of the two species

Thank you, have a good day

PS Sorry for my english

Edited by Pat02 on 21-11-2022 08:48