Ventral part of the lateral plate of the thorax that is associated with the second segment that originally formed the thorax.
Image given: http://www.dgrc.k...pleura.gif
An identification key, also known as a dichotomous key, is a method of deducing the name of a species. It usually works by offering two (in a truely dichotomous key, sometimes more) alternatives at each juncture, and the choice of one of those alternatives determines the next step. A very common error in using a dichotomous key is the assumption that the correct identification is even included in that key. It is possible that a specimen cannot be identified with a particular key, yet the key will lead the user to an end that appears to be "answer". For this reason, comparing the specimen with a more detailed description is vitally important: a dichotomous key alone cannot be used to identify specimens, unless the specimens are known in advance to be included within the key. See http://en.wikiped...se_of_Keys for further comments. See also the Weblinks Section Online keys".
Literally, parasitism by theft. A form of feeding where one animal takes prey that another has caught, killed, or otherwise prepared it for instance as a stored food provision.
Links: http://en.wikiped...parasitism; Sivinski, J., S. Marshall & E. Petersson, 1999. Kleptoparasitism and phoresy in the Diptera. - Florida Entomologist 82: 179-197 (download).