1. As in 'boreal species': A species occuring in subarctic (Northern hemisphere) and subantarctic (Southern hemisphere) zones, although Austral is the preferred term for the latter. For example: the distribution of Dolichopus maculipennis Zett. is given as "arctic-high boreal" by Ringdahl (1951) and as "a boreal moorland species" from the Soviet Union, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark by Stackleberg (1933).
2. As in 'boreal' region, habitat or system: Subarctic ecosystems (Northern hemisphere).
Some flies preserved in ethanol and then pinned often get the eyes sunken, how can this be avoided? Best answer: I usually keep alcohol-collected material in alcohol
Tried to attach an image to a forum post. jpg, 32kB, 72dpi, no blanks, ... File name is correctly displayed, but when I click "Preview Thread" it just vanishes. Help!