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Images request
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 01-11-2018 13:46
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Dear colleagues, this week I've finished my job on popular book, something like "Rasskazy o Diptera = Stories on Diptera". It will include general chapters on Insects and Diptera and stories about 65 families of Diptera (excluding the smallest and too exotic groups). Of course, a lot of illustrations, about 220 images. Authors of the majority of the images have given me their permission already. It is time to ask kind permissions for other images. The authors of the images are listed below. Other question is how you prefer to see your name indicated? For example, we know Diptera.info member as NakaRB, but he prefers to refer him as Nikolay Vladimirov, which is quite natural, isn't it? But possibly somebody prefers (for whatever reason) to be under Diptera.info nickname. So, please, let me know that, you can reply me via Diptera.info messenger or directly at nikita6510@ya.ru Best wishes, Nikita Vikhrev Anthomyiidae https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=26072 Christine Devillers https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=7691 shrumpy Blephariceridae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=6660 Nick Upton Cecidomyiid https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3816 pwalter https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9964 Philippe moniotte https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9965 Philippe moniotte https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9966 Philippe moniotte Ceratopogonidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=5976 DavidG https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=4947 brundlefly Culicid https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9182 brundlefly https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9184 brundlefly https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=5623 ulf, Photo: S. Drechsel Limoniidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1166 Hubert Polacek Simulidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=8431 Roger Thomason Therevid https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1433 Cor Zonneveld Glossinidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=4780 raywilson Psychodidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9243 evdb https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=4789 raywilson Acroceridae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1756 jorgemotalmeida Tabanidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3351 cosmln Asilidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1427 Frank Koehler https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=966 Frank Koehler https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9139 brundlefly https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3684 Klaas Rhagionidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=8553 shrumpy Hybotidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3716 Klaas Stratiomyidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=10128 Marian Bombyliidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=5494 pwalter https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9979 npisec Phoridae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=8526 mwkozlowski https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=8539 mwkozlowski https://diptera.info/viewpage.php?page_id=9 Paul Beuk Syrphidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1899 Frank Koehler https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=10895 Marion Friedrich https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=10442 evdb https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=6540 brigitteu https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=10950 kurt Kurt Holmqvist https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=7731 Rupert Huber Chloropidae http://www.naturspaziergang.de/Zweifluegler/Zweifluegler-Fotos/Camarota_curvipennis_03_07-08-2016.jpg Andreas Haselboeck https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=8937 Ruth Ahlburg https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=6750 Nick Upton https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=41137 blowave Diopsidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=6707 pwalter Hippoboscidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=10430 pwalter https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=4664 JariF https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=4666 JariF Milichiidae https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=55816 pat_der2003 https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=47176&highlight=Desmometopa+m-nigrum&pid=205513 Manuel Lopez Micropezidae https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=59194 Gumenuk Vitalij Conopidae https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=71910 NakaRB Nikolay Vladimirov https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=4972 Leonid Fedyantsev Piophilidae https://www.naturamediterraneo.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=200805 lynkos Tachinidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1065 Frank Koehler https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=7761 spectre Sarcophagidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=1735 pierred https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9598 Marion Friedrich https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=5&thread_id=22793 Cor Zonneveld https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=2942 christoophe Heleomyzidae https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=75789&pid=362082#post_362082 Woodmen Tephritidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=9998 Ben Hamers https://diptera.info/forum/attachments/ins_la_gomera_2015_08_19-0730.jpg Marc T Platystomatidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3139 Ben Hamers Muscidae https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3310 mwkozlowski https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=3687 Klaas https://diptera.info/photogallery.php?photo_id=2326 Frank Koehler Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-11-2018 21:43 Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
pierred |
Posted on 01-11-2018 16:42
Member Location: Paris (France) Posts: 1437 Joined: 21.04.05 |
Dear Nikita, You have of course my permission. I prefer using my real name (Pierre Duhem). Pierre Duhem |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 01-11-2018 19:31
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Thank you, Pierre! Best wishes, Nikita Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 01-11-2018 21:42
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Dear colleagues, I thank again everybody who gave permissions. It seems to me that two points require explanations. 1. Presently most publishers do not pay fee for images. I can not blame my publisher, because 220 images will lead her to bankruptcy. Either I can not pay myself for some of images, even the most necessary ones, because it would be an unfair play to all other photographers. 2. But what I can offer to all photographer is to promise to send the book to anybody who do not mind that the text is in Russian. Just send me your post address. Edited by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-11-2018 21:48 Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Paul Beuk |
Posted on 02-11-2018 08:25
Super Administrator Location: Netherlands Posts: 19383 Joined: 11.05.04 |
Hi Nikita, you are welcome to use the picture of Conicera.
Paul - - - - Paul Beuk on https://diptera.info |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 02-11-2018 09:43
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Thank you, Paul!
Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Rupert Huber |
Posted on 02-11-2018 13:47
Member Location: Germany / South-East Bavaria Posts: 648 Joined: 19.07.07 |
Hi Nikita, you can of course use my picture of Arctophila bombiformis. Looking forward to the book. If you want, I can send you the original photo file, but it's only slightly better. Best greetings Rupert Best greetings Rupert |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 02-11-2018 16:23
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Thank you, Rupert! Your image on Diptera.info is large enough. Best, Nikita Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
mwkozlowski |
Posted on 05-05-2019 09:58
Member Location: Warsaw, Poland Posts: 766 Joined: 17.10.06 |
my response i probabbly to late, but in a case you have surerly mu permossion
very general entomologist |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 18-06-2019 21:41
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Dear colleagues and friends, my book for which I requested images here is finally published (see: http://phyton-knigi.ru/) Nikita Vikhrev attached the following image: [123.61Kb] Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 18-06-2019 21:48
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
1. I thank authors of images for permissions. 2. This week I will send books to those authors who give me request and postal address (so far it is about 10 authors). Other authors are still wellcome to get the book if give me where to send. Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
Tony Irwin |
Posted on 19-06-2019 11:39
Member Location: Norwich, England Posts: 7239 Joined: 19.11.04 |
Congratulations on getting your book published, Nikita. Things have changed a bit in the last 15 years! And I'm sure it's no co-incidence that Diptera.info has been available all that time! So congratulations to Paul as well! Edited by Tony Irwin on 19-06-2019 11:43 Tony ---------- Tony Irwin |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 20-06-2019 10:51
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
I agree with you Tony, it would not possible to find illustrations without Diptera.info! In the book I especialy wrote that the best way for identification (as well as solving any other problem connected with Diptera) is again Diptera.info! And of course, I thank Paul in my book. Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
johnes81 |
Posted on 04-07-2019 15:04
Member Location: Berlin, Germany Posts: 1978 Joined: 15.10.16 |
Congratulations, Nikita. I hope that sell many copies. You work hard. I wish the best for you and your wife.
John and Nini. Naturalists not experts. |
Manuel Lopez |
Posted on 18-07-2020 18:58
Member Location: Granada Posts: 2551 Joined: 03.09.11 |
Nikita, of course yo have my permission ever. I did not see this thread until now. I've been in others "thinks". Nor messages received from diptera too. Contratulations !! The book would be very useful to me. Best wishes. Manuel |
Manuel Lopez |
Posted on 18-07-2020 18:59
Member Location: Granada Posts: 2551 Joined: 03.09.11 |
Nikita, of course yo have my permission ever. I did not see this thread until now. I've been in others "thinks". Not messages received from diptera too. Contratulations !! The book would be very useful to me. Best wishes. Manuel |
Nikita Vikhrev |
Posted on 18-07-2020 21:19
Member Location: Moscow, Russia Posts: 9357 Joined: 24.05.05 |
Thank you Manuel. By the way, English edition of the book updated and revised, is almost ready. Our colleague Tony Irwin kindly agree to help this project as English and scientific editor. Nikita Vikhrev - Zool Museum of Moscow University |
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