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Camera Batteries
Susan R Walter
#1 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2006 14:09
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Location: Touraine du Sud, central France
Posts: 1802
Joined: 14.01.06

I must say I am very pleased to not only be making my first post to this wonderful site, but to be the first person to use the Lounge as well!

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to maintain camera batteries in cold weather. We have started having considerable trouble in temperatures even as warm as +5. Are our batteries just due for renewal? Are we leaving them charged up too long with out discharging/using them? What do you guys that are really in the north use or do?

Be warned, once the camera is sorted out, I will be posting some of those fiendish anthomyiidaes and nematoceras for people to shower their wisdom upon.

#2 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2006 14:14
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What kind of batteries do you currently use?
#3 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2006 15:28
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Location: Helsinki, Finland
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Sorry, can't really help so I'll just babble incoherently for a while...

I have never had any problems with batteries down to -15C or so. Below that I don't dare to any digital cameras and downgrade to a bomb-proof and nonelectric Olympus OM-1N. Or perhaps I should say upgrade, the OM1 has survived -45C, sandstorms etc. Tough little thingie, that one.Shock

Oh, and welcome to We provide the very best 'Umm I'm not sure but perhaps it's a muscid' identification service on the Net.Wink

PS. If nothing else helps keep two batteries with you, one in the camera and one in a warm pocket. Swap batteries if the one in camera fails.
Edited by Kahis on 01-02-2006 15:32
Paul Beuk
#4 Print Post
Posted on 01-02-2006 19:25
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Kahis wrote:
Sorry, can't really help so I'll just babble incoherently for a while...
Hehe, what's new?
Oh, and welcome to We provide the very best 'Umm I'm not sure but perhaps it's a muscid' identification service on the Net.Wink
I thought it was perhaps it's an 'anthomyiid' identification service'. Pfft Most muscids got some kind of name and you are often responsible for that. Or was that also incoherent babbling?

- - - -

Paul Beuk on
#5 Print Post
Posted on 02-02-2006 06:32
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Kahis wrote:
If nothing else helps keep two batteries with you, one in the camera and one in a warm pocket. Swap batteries if the one in camera fails.

This is what I do. On the other hand, problems often arise from bad contacts, that is from humidity. Transporting the camera in a rather tight plastic bag if you have to go in very different places, like hot and humid, then cold and dry, can help.
Pierre Duhem
Susan R Walter
#6 Print Post
Posted on 03-02-2006 14:09
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Location: Touraine du Sud, central France
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The camera is a Minolta Dimage, which just takes ordinary AA rechargeable batteries. Sorry I'm a bit vague about the technical details, as my husband and I work as a team. I'm the one interested in flies and he is the one interested in photography. We've pretty much come to the conclusion that the batteries need replacing, as we tried the keeping one set in a pocket and swapping over trick last weekend to no avail. They are going to get another outing tomorrow to our local nature reserve, a large area of lowland wet grassland which will no doubt have a wind chill factor of about -10.

I will bear Pierre and Kahis's points in mind as well for April, when I am off to central Australia.

I think, Kahis, that you are being rather charmingly modest - I have seen your many acts of magic on this website.

Many thanks to all for such a kind and positive welcome to the site.
#7 Print Post
Posted on 03-02-2006 15:42

Location: Rome, Italy
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Joined: 20.06.05

Welcome from me too (the ignorant one Wink ). I too think the problem is age. In the past I've had more problems with damp contacts than with cold, and too much heat can also cause havoc (although I shouldn't think in Essex that would be too great a threat!). Look forward to seeing some of the "team pictures" when next season really gets going.
Susan R Walter
#8 Print Post
Posted on 06-02-2006 14:05
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Location: Touraine du Sud, central France
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Sarah - do I detect a note of climate smugness there? It's true though - the trouble started in northern France over Christmas when it was pretty cold, but it has persisted. I think we have 'cooked' the batteries by having too many spares, all charged up, and not being used often enough.

I think it's time to stop gnashing our teeth and buy some more batteries.
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Don't suppose anyone knows anwhere selling a copy of Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera 2? Always wanted a copy.... Smile

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