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Bombyliidae - Lomatia (female?)
Liliane D |
Posted on 01-06-2023 17:45
Member Location: France Posts: 670 Joined: 17.08.17 |
Hello, In the south of France on June 01, 2023. Body length 11 mm. After my post: https://diptera.info/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=109862 I have just photographed another Lomatia. This time, tergite 1 has a yellow yellow line and all yellow bands are continuous. The distribution of the dark spots on the wings is also different. It seems to me that we're closer to Lomatia polyzona, but perhaps there are other species that might match? Thank you for your advice. Liliane D attached the following image: [216.7Kb] |
Liliane D |
Posted on 01-06-2023 17:46
Member Location: France Posts: 670 Joined: 17.08.17 |
Does the last tergite mean that this is a female?
Liliane D attached the following image: [199.05Kb] |
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