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Downloads: Publications on Dolichopodidae
Grichanov_1979-1998. Collected papers. |
Grichanov, A.I., 1979-1998. A collection of 49 papers on Dolichopodidae contained in one zip file. The contents of the file can be viewed HERE. |
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Added: 14.09.09 10:57 |
Downloads: 2571 |
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Grichanov_1991. [Dynamics of capture of Medetera meridionalis Negrobov (Diptera, Dolichopodidae)... |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 1991. [Dynamics of capture of Medetera meridionalis Negrobov (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) and other insects by coloured sticky traps on wheat.] - Bullulletin Vsesoyuznogo Instituta Zashchita Rastenii 75: 64-68 [in Russian, with English summary]. |
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Added: 29.06.06 09:22 |
Downloads: 2269 |
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Grichanov_1994. Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in agricultural communities of North Caucasus. - Abstract.. |
Grichanov, I.Y., 1994 Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in agricultural communities of North Caucasus. - Abstract Volume, Third International Congress of Diptererology, Guelph, 15-19 August 1994: 78. |
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Added: 29.06.06 09:32 |
Downloads: 2075 |
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Grichanov_1997. [Predatory flies of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in agroecosystems of the ... |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 1997. [Predatory flies of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in agroecosystems of the Northern Caucasus.] In: E.P. Narchuck (ed.), [Diptera (Insecta) in Ecosystems]: 42-43. Zoologicheskii Institut, Rossiiskiya Akademiya Nauk, Saint Petersburg [in Russian, no English summary]. |
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Added: 24.07.06 13:38 |
Downloads: 2066 |
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Grichanov_1998. New data on distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) species in Russia, Ukraine ... |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 1998. New data on distribution of Dolichopodidae (Diptera) species in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In: V.A. Krivohackij (ed.), [Problems of Entomology in Russia, Volume 1]: 102-104. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Ebshchestvo, Rossiiskiya Akademiya Nauk, Saint Petersburg (in Russian, no English summary). |
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Added: 24.07.06 13:47 |
Downloads: 2038 |
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Grichanov_1999-2005. Collected papers. |
Grichanov, A.I., 1999-2005. A collection of papers on Dolichopodidae contained in one zip file. The contents of the file can be viewed HERE. |
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Added: 03.09.10 11:05 |
Downloads: 1578 |
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Grichanov_2002a. [New and rare Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the fauna of Russia.] - In: XII s?ezd... |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 2002a. [New and rare Dolichopodidae (Diptera) in the fauna of Russia.] - In: XII s?ezd Russkogo Entomologicheskogo obshchestva, Saint Petersburg, 19-24 August 2002 (Abstracts): 90-91. [In Russian.] |
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Added: 07.08.07 12:01 |
Downloads: 2141 |
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Grichanov_2006a. A checklist and keys to North European genera and species of Dolichopodidae (Dipt.. |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 2006. A checklist and keys to North European genera and species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). - VIZR
RAAS (Plant Protection News, Supplement) 2006: 1-120. |
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Added: 22.10.07 20:08 |
Downloads: 3549 |
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Grichanov_2006b. Phototheque of North European species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). 2nd version. |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 2006. Phototheque of North European species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). 2nd version. Online available on
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Added: 22.10.07 20:14 |
Downloads: 2829 |
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Grichanov_2007a. Development of an Internet-based information resource on the family Dolichopodida.. |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 2007. Development of an Internet-based information resource on the family Dolichopodidae (Insecta: Diptera). - In: Problems and perspectives of general entomology. Abstracts. XIII Congr. Russ. Entom. Soc., Krasnodar, 9-15 Sept., 2007: 85-86. |
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Added: 02.10.07 11:18 |
Downloads: 2285 |
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Grichanov_2007b. Possibilities of application of predatory long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopod... |
Grichanov I.Ya. 2007. Possibilities of application of predatory long-legged flies (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) for biological control of pests. - Information Bulletin EPRS IOBC 38: 94-95.
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Added: 29.05.07 12:18 |
Downloads: 2105 |
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Grichanov_2007c. A checklist and keys to Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the Caucasus and East Mediter.. |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 2007. A checklist and keys to Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the Caucasus and East Mediterranean. - VIZR RAAS (Plant Protection News, Supplement) 2007: 1-160. ISSN 1815-3682.
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Added: 06.11.07 12:45 |
Downloads: 4735 |
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Grichanov_2008a. Phototheque of East Mediterranean species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). 3rd version. |
Grichanov, I.Ya., 2008a. Phototheque of East Mediterranean species of Dolichopodidae (Diptera). 3rd version.
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Version: 3 |
Added: 31.01.08 21:27 |
Downloads: 5087 |
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Grichanov_Popov_2007. Peloropeodes acuticornis (Oldenberg, 1916) (Dolichopodidae). In: Red Data... |
Grichanov, I.Ya., & G.V. Popov, 2007. Peloropeodes acuticornis (Oldenberg, 1916) (Dolichopodidae). In: Red Data Book of Krasnodar Territory (Animals). Second edition. (A.S. Zamotajlov, ed.): 229-230. Administration of Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar. |
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Added: 16.12.09 06:52 |
Downloads: 1814 |
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Grichanov_Shamshev_1993a. Argyra (Leucostola) negrobovi sp. n. from the Far East of Russia (Dipte... |
Grichanov, I.Ya., & I.V. Shamshev, 1993. Argyra (Leucostola) negrobovi sp. n. from the Far East of Russia (Diptera: Dolichopodidae). - Dipterological Research 4(4): 191-194. |
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Added: 29.06.06 08:58 |
Downloads: 2061 |
Download (360 KB) |
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