Thread subject: :: Hirtodrosophila pictiventris? - probably Drosophila melanica

Posted by Carnifex on 27-12-2020 08:57

Yay to a new Version of Drosophilids of the NE and a louder YAY! to finally have a volume for the SE!
Unfortunately, with each new version the 'technical drawings' are becoming more reduced and replaced...

Victor: using iNaturalist, it is very easy to implement photos in the Diptera-forum. Just right-klick on one image and copy the URL in here, in between the code for 'image':

[ img][/img ]

Then, delete everything after the '.jpg' and the photo will be displayed. By this, you can insert even several photos per post

Edited by Carnifex on 27-12-2020 08:58