Thread subject: :: Calyptratae

Posted by Jan Willem on 25-09-2020 17:21

Can anyone point me in the right direction? I can make up my mind about where this specimens fits in.

Malaise trap De Kaaistoep (Tilburg, the Netherlands) 6-13.viii.2020.

Posted by eklans on 25-09-2020 17:58

Only an idea: Tachinidae, Elodia morio? Other views could help.

Greetings, Eric

Posted by Zeegers on 25-09-2020 19:08

Frauenfeldia rubricosa (Rhinophoridae) ?


Posted by eklans on 25-09-2020 19:31

oops - the small calypters!


Posted by Jan Willem on 25-09-2020 19:54

Yes, Frauenfeldia rubricosa seems to fit! Thanks! :-)

However, I see Frauenfeldia mentioned as junior synonym of Tricogena.

What is the correct name?

Posted by Zeegers on 25-09-2020 20:05

Yes, you are right, according to the code.
According to me, Tricogena is a brainkilling ,isspelling by Rondani, which should be corrected (Trichogena), which leads to trioubles with preoccupation.
So my brain sticks to Frauenfeldia.
