Thread subject: :: aberrant wings in a Brachycera

Posted by arnos dipterainfo on 13-08-2020 21:23

Yesterday a flightless fly was running over the floor in the house. The wings are aberrant. I could not find another example of this on the net. It reminds me of the aberrant wings in Drosophila. Does anyone have more information?

Edited by arnos dipterainfo on 13-08-2020 21:41

Posted by John Carr on 13-08-2020 22:02

Calliphoridae with wings not fully expanded. Probably Lucilia because both thorax and abdomen are shiny and the bristles of the thorax are strongly differentiated. In Calliphorinae the thorax is dull and in Chrysomyinae the bristles of the thorax are usually weakly differentiated.

Posted by arnos dipterainfo on 13-08-2020 22:52

Thank you. I will post some more pictures of this fly later for a check.

Posted by Zeegers on 14-08-2020 18:20

The wings are not aberrant, they are simply not inflated after pupation.
