Thread subject: :: Relaxing Fluid

Posted by Darwyn Sumner on 13-05-2020 06:29

This is one just for the record. Formula provided by Ray Wooff who headed up Tsetse fly control in Uganda (and collected Tabanids) so I'm guessing it kept pests away when working in hot climes.

Water 93cc
Ethyl Alcohol 5cc
Phenol 2g
Pour into sand in the bottom of a jar and leave specimens for 2 days.

I have noted that specimens in collections treated this way are avoided by pests.

Academic if you don't have access to phenol which I have a jar of and is frankly the most horrific substance I've ever had to handle. It breaks up into tiny airborne spicules which react with exposed skin and burns.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 13-05-2020 14:41

If you know better, you keep away from the stuff (

Posted by Ilia Ogol on 30-03-2022 18:49

The phenol just needs to be dissolved in water (you can use gloves and an aspirator). The solution is quite safe (if you do not drink). By the way, this is a component of gouache paint - artists do not complain about toxicity.

Posted by Tony T on 16-11-2022 21:59

I just checked my relaxing container; wet with no fungus.
I used processed Sphagnum moss, a soil additive (peat moss).
It has been wet for 48 years !