Thread subject: :: Myopa sp.?

Posted by Maik Hausotte on 04-05-2020 11:59

is this fly from April 16 from Leipzig (Saxony) a Myopa species (maybe testacea…)?
Thanks for your help,

Posted by Sundew on 05-05-2020 00:07

Sorry, but I am not able to make a decision... I tried the key by van Veen (http://home.hccne...myopa.html) and Smit (https://www.repos...ent/507043) and checked the descriptions by Falk (https://www.flick...279506405/), but the pictures do not show enough details to be sure. E.g., M. testacea should have a completely black thoracic dorsum bordering the brown scutellum (well seen in Falk's photos), but here it seems to be reddish just before the scutellum. Let's see if we get still other responses of more experienced Conopidists!
Regards, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 05-05-2020 00:10

Posted by Maik Hausotte on 05-05-2020 12:52

Sundew, I'm excited. Thank you very much for the extensive information. Best regards, Maik