Thread subject: :: Myopa

Posted by Marion Friedrich on 24-04-2020 20:03

yesterday I found this fly in a forest in Germany, Saxony.
Is species ID possible?

Posted by Sundew on 24-04-2020 23:36

As the wings seem hardly spotted, Myopa testacea might be be a candidate. In the key by John Smit (https://www.repos...ent/507043) you'll find still other rather similar species. A lateral picture of the head and a view on the wings that is not blurred would be valuable.
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Zeegers on 25-04-2020 07:26

I agree. The darkening of wing is somewhat variable, see also Stuke on this subject.


Posted by Marion Friedrich on 25-04-2020 09:59

Thank you very much, also for the link.
Unfortunately, I have only this single shot from the take-off of the impatient fly.
Best wishes,