Thread subject: :: What are Brustseiten?

Posted by John Carr on 25-02-2020 16:15

I am trying to understand Becker's 1912 German language revision of North American Chloropidae. Can "Brustseiten" be translated simply as "pleura" or does the word refer to a specific group of sclerites? Does it include the sternopleura? A couplet with "Sternopleuralfleck gelbrot" leads into another "Brustseiten ganz fleckenlos". Perhaps the Brustseiten are only the anepisternum and anepimeron in modern terminology.

Posted by Ectemnius on 25-02-2020 19:21

Hello John,

As far as my German goes "brustseiten" is literally "sides of thorax". So yes, pleura and entirely I would think.

But as you point out that is not the case. Maybe he defines it somewhere, but in my experience those old keys might also be constructed completely wrong.

Kind regards,


Posted by eklans on 25-02-2020 19:23

Hi John, I don't think Becker means a specific group of sclerites. Literally "Brustseiten" are the sides of the thorax - so you are right and it should simply be translated as "pleura".


Posted by John Carr on 01-03-2020 01:59

Elsewhere in his paper I found the sentence "Brustseiten mit deutlichem schwarzen Sternopleuralfleck." So the sternopleura can be included.