Thread subject: :: Calliphora vicina (?) ID and help request for issue with flying

Posted by Bluebottle_20 on 27-01-2020 20:55

Thank you for identifying my insect. As you'll have already understood, I have no experience at all with diptera, that's why i wondered if solutions existed. For example, i've seen a very beautiful video online of one man restoring monarch butterflies' ability to fly by just fixing with glue to the broken wing another piece of similar wing found elsewhere, and it worked to make the monarch fly again. As I'm reading further about flies and I'm getting more and more interested, I would be curious to know what is the difference in this case: is it because diptera pump the emolymph inside the wings (and maybe lepidoptera not?)...

I know this question may be off topic and far beyond the literature of recognizing and classifying insects, but it is such an interesting field...

Thank you for your answers, for your patience and for your time!
