Thread subject: :: Chloropidae? = Oscinella

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 22-08-2019 16:52

Oscinella frit (L.) Chloropidae, the most abundant fly in Europe, harmful to cereals, including maize. At least 2262 publications and dissertations treat only this agricultural pest. The first note was written in the book of Marcus Terentius VARRO (35-30 before Christ): De re rustica. [= Res rusticae, = On agriculture]. Liber I, cap(p)itulum XLVII: [Containing the sentence: "Illut [sic!, correct illud] autem summa in spica jam matura, quod est minus quam granum, vocatur frit"]. Linné (1758) knew this book and took up the name frit, meaning a grass seed damaged and eaten by an insect.