Thread subject: :: Muscid fly w/ broad palps -> Lispe nana

Posted by Carnifex on 24-04-2019 10:16

Found on parsley on the kitchen table. Could not get good shots of the wing venation, but a striking feature are the broadened palps. They don't appear so wide from the side, but on the last shot from dorsal, although not in focus, one can get an impression. Maybe a Lispe?

Cheers, Lorin

Edited by Carnifex on 05-05-2019 23:04

Posted by Paul Beuk on 24-04-2019 11:26


Posted by Carnifex on 24-04-2019 12:27

Yes, my thought was Lispe tentaculata, but I would be interested to know how common the enlarged palps are in the genus (in middle europe) - I found additionally L. orientalis (not in region), loewi and consanguinea with that feature.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-04-2019 18:25

It is Lispe nana

Posted by Carnifex on 25-04-2019 08:11

Thanks a lot Nikita, I was just starting to read through your publications |t