Thread subject: :: Psychodidae

Posted by markop on 19-07-2007 09:55

LOL! Thank you all, my telepathic friends :)

You set me straight! Looks like I wasted a non-dipteran thread for a dipteran, after all :p

I looked it up some more and I found that they are sometimes called "bathroom flies", which is quite appropriate 99% of the time I find them in the bathroom :)

I don't know which Psychodidae species occur here in Crete... The photos of Clogmia albipunctata in Xespok's gallery match the appearance of my insect, but so do the Pericoma sp. (that Juergen mentioned) photos I found on the 'net... If anyone is sure about the genus (or species), then I could add it to the diptera gallery.

Edited by markop on 19-07-2007 10:02