Thread subject: :: wasp id

Posted by Christian Schmid-Egger on 06-07-2007 13:06

1. We plan to cover Europe and more, and we need an general English site, I know. But for the moment, also the German part is big enough to take most of our free time...

2. The Central European and German spoken community is large. I think, most of the people working seriously with Hymenoptera Aculeata in Europe for the moment, comes from Germany, Austria or Switzerland (or Netherlands) and speak or understand German. An other important part comes from France and Belgium, and these people often don't like English so much...
Nevertheless, English is the most important scientific language in the world, and e.g. I publish all my taxonomic papers in English now.

3. In Germany also exists a large photo community, which prefer to communicate in German. So, I believe, that the main part of members in a new Forum will come from Gemany, and not from abroad. But, also here I think that we offer an English spoken part and a really international forum.

Regards, Christian