Thread subject: :: Brachyopa: more ID possible? --> Brachyopa panzeri

Posted by johnes81 on 26-11-2019 18:56

Hello Ectemenius,

Congratulations on your first record! I am happy for you :)

Thank you for the kind words.

I am not a Doctor of Biology but I think that Brachyopa panzeri is identifiable by photo if the photo(s) are of a good enough quality depicting necessary features. Dr. Speight has black scutellar bristles in his keys to Brachyopa dorsata/panzeri. If the black bristles are not reliable, then the error is on his part. I assume that the size of the pit and the black scutellar bristles are diagnostic since these features are used in keys. Clearly, the pit is larger than the diameter of the arista which will exclude B. dorsata. I am comfortable naming this B. panzeri. Someday, i will find B. panzeri and i will key it by photo. Then i will verify this data using genitalia.

I most often identify my own specimens by photo alone. Probably 90% of the time. I am usually too busy to examine a specimen and dissect genitalia. My Wife can attest to this fact. I usually don't want to sit at the microscope. I learn more by trying to id by photo. I find keys and descriptions and study my photos of the live specimen. When i think that my id is correct, i will often write to an expert for confirmation. Sometimes genitalia is required and i have no choice but i still try to id it by photo.

I have identified a first record for Germany by photo alone. I sent the specimens to Paul Beuk for confirmation. Honestly, I have never examined the specimens. My photos were good enough to use the keys. However, i cannot publish the record because i am not a Doctor of Biology. I asked Paul if he could help but he seems to be too busy. I am building a website, which i hope to have completed by the end of the year, so i may have to publish the record myself by placing a pdf record on the website.

Anyway, I hope that you have a pleasant day and i hope that you find more first records for The Netherlands.

Best wishes,