Thread subject: :: Meaning of the word "dust"

Posted by Alberto Narro on 10-09-2014 14:07

Hello, I just created this thread because of this word I've came across in many posts.

English isn't my first language and I can't find any translation for this word besides "finely powdered substance".

I've come to the conclusion that the meaning is more close to "coloured like dust in appearance". Is this right? And in that case, is it formed by microscopic fine soft hairs (like "tomentose" in plants), or scales, etc?

Thanks in advance,

Posted by tristram on 10-09-2014 14:54

From an article on Chris Raper's blog:

dusting: also called pollinosity, this is the grey, powdery, scaley surface covering that forms patterns like stripes or bands across the whole body. It is important to assess the extent of dusting and this is best viewed from above and behind (postero-dorsally) under an even, white light.


Posted by Alberto Narro on 10-09-2014 15:11

Thanks for the quick answer.