Thread subject: :: Small syrphid

Posted by Juergen Peters on 18-08-2005 16:07

Hello, Gerard!

Gerard Pennards wrote:
Syrphus vitripennis can be quite small, and also the stripes can be very 'whitish'.
By the color of it's thorax it is very clear that it belongs in the genus Syrphus, and it's size and color leave only S. vitripennis!

But it was really very small. The estimation of only half the size of a "normal" Syrphus was no understatement! Unfortunately I don't have it on a picture with another Syrphus, but with a Phaonia (?), which had the size of a normal house fly. On the second picture the same Phaonia individual is with an Episyrphus balteatus which is normally smaller than a Syrphus.