Thread subject: :: Pupa of Agromyzidae?

Posted by Rai Hannover on 28-08-2013 13:33

Dear specialists,

Is this a pupa of Agromyzidae?
Locality: bamboogarden near Zurich (Switzerland)
Host plant: Phyllostachys and Fargesia


Posted by Rai Hannover on 28-08-2013 13:39

another picture:

Posted by Rai Hannover on 28-08-2013 13:40

another picture:

Posted by mcerny on 28-08-2013 16:43

Probably Cerodontha (Poemyza) sp. ??, Agromyzidae, Reliable determination is possible only after male genitalia.
From Europe be known to only one species mining on leafs of Phyllostachys mitis only found in Italy. - Cerodontha (Poemyza) unisetiorbita Zlobin, 1992. This species is primary described from Japan.

Edited by mcerny on 28-08-2013 16:45

Posted by Rai Hannover on 28-08-2013 20:09

Dear Milos,

thank you for your reply. It seems to me that the leaf mines on my pictures are not so narrow as the leaf mines on the pictures of Luciano Süss. I don't know, if that is important.

The owner of the bamboo garden will try to catch some flies.


Süss Luciano; Cerodontha (Poemyza) unisetiorbita Zlobin (Diptera Agromyzidae) nuova per l'Europa.; Bollettino di Zoologia agraria e di Bachiccoltura, Ser. II, vol. 33 (1) pagg. 73-77, 2001

Posted by Rai Hannover on 10-09-2013 18:20

The owner of the bamboo garden obtained a fly from a puparium. Length of the fly barely 3 mm.
Foto: Daniel Kunz

Posted by mcerny on 10-09-2013 18:53

Hi Raimund,
Agromyzidae sp. probably male. On picture there are not see any determining characters.


Posted by Rai Hannover on 04-10-2014 14:13

In september 2014 I found for the first time mining flies on Phyllostachys parvifolia and Phyllostachys atrovaginata in my garden near Hannover. I obtained a fly from a pupa and checked some outside characters according to the publication of Luciano Süss, but I didn’t extract the male genitalia. The examination results are matching hundred percent Cerodontha unisetiorbita. Because of the orbital setulae and the venation oft he wings I can definitely exclude Cerodontha bisetiorbita.


Posted by Rai Hannover on 04-10-2014 14:19

Leaf mines: