Thread subject: :: Colour guide to hoverfly larvae

Posted by lweit on 23-08-2013 14:24

I tried to download
Colour guide to hoverfly larvae (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Britain and Europe. - Dipt... on this page :

After 4 hours to download it gets blocked and it's impossible to continue the download.
Is there someone who has the file and could send me by email (weittenlouis"at"
Thank you very much

Posted by Andrzej on 23-08-2013 16:16

Cher Louis,
the file is too big (ca. 41 MB0) to send it to your mailbox :-(. Maybe you can give another email address. Andrzej

Posted by Paul Beuk on 23-08-2013 17:27

Try the download again, it should be better now.

Posted by Andrzej on 23-08-2013 17:58

I sent it for a while :-)

Posted by lweit on 23-08-2013 21:49

Now i've a message
"Oops ... Internet Explorer was not able to find the page www.dipterainfo."
Impossible to dowload


Edited by lweit on 23-08-2013 21:49

Posted by lweit on 23-08-2013 22:00

Thank for your answer
But with Splitter I can't join the 3 part of the pdf
Splitter search file with extension .h001 ?


Posted by Andrzej on 23-08-2013 22:03

Louis ! try please the older version splitter 3.1 (in At the same website. Andrzej

Posted by lweit on 23-08-2013 22:12

Thank you Andrzej
I've joined the file. All is OK


Posted by Andrzej on 23-08-2013 22:27

OK! well done ;). Andrzej

Posted by Paul Beuk on 25-08-2013 20:43

Sorry, a typo. Corrected now.
lweit wrote:
Now i've a message
"Oops ... Internet Explorer was not able to find the page www.dipterainfo."
Impossible to dowload


Posted by lweit on 25-08-2013 21:11

Thank you Paul