Thread subject: :: Rhinophoridae: Phyto angustifrons =Cirillia angustifrons (female)

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 02-10-2012 23:53

This small fly (4.5 mm) was found dead indoors (Spain: Catalonia: Girona: Beuda: UTM31T DG7477, 395 m) the 26th july 2008, and it has the main features of the family (row of bristles at meron, subscutellum bulged but half membranous, a large petiole on the wing and an angled vein-M) as it seen here http://tachinidae...page_id=25.
Which species could it be?

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 24-10-2012 18:40

Posted by ChrisR on 03-10-2012 01:58

Yes, Rhinophoridae, I think.

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 03-10-2012 10:41

Thanks Chris, but it doesn't fit with any known spanish species

Best wishes, Rafael

Posted by Zeegers on 03-10-2012 19:49

There is no such Rhinophorid.

The shiny black parafrontals strongly suggest Catharosia (Tachinidae), a Tachinid with a Rhinophorid-calypter. The wings seem clear though, that confuses me. Or is it the flash ?


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 03-10-2012 20:45

Could the ethyl acethate has rubbered the colour? Or could it be Catharosia albisquama?
Theo, tomorrow I will send you three tachinid flies, including this one. This night I will finish with the tachinids.


Posted by Zeegers on 03-10-2012 21:23

Or it could be Litophasia, but as I remember, the bend in vein M was more curved in Litophasia. If it is more than 4 mm. it is too big for Catharosia (sorry, missed that in first read).

Anyhow, if you are going to send material, you might include this one.


Posted by ChrisR on 03-10-2012 21:25

Interesting :) I will watch this one with interest :)

Posted by rafael_carbonell on 04-10-2012 00:37

When I was studying it I also thought be it could be an Oestridae as palpi where very short. It has 2 inter-alar bristles (separated by a distance greater than the distance between the first seta and the suture), but three achrostichal before suture (the one in the middle long and stronger).  Proboscis not too long, at most as long as the head. Arista with only very fine hairs. Tergite 2 hollowed to about a 1/4 to the posterior edge. (I see some long bristles at the posterior border of T3 and T4, but may be they are "shifted discal ones"). Frons approx. as wide as the eye. Thus the unique possibility left is Catharosia, I've measured it under the binocular so it's 4.5 or 4.6 mm.

Edited by rafael_carbonell on 04-10-2012 00:53

Posted by Zeegers on 04-10-2012 20:55

Under the microscope, it should be relatively easy to see whether or not it is Catharosia (despite the not optimal status)


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 24-10-2012 18:37

Theo told me in a private message it was a female of Cirilla (=Phyto) angustifrons (new for Iberian p.), so Chris was right

Greetings to both for your work

Posted by Zeegers on 27-10-2012 11:25

Never could have guessed that from the picture !


Posted by rafael_carbonell on 26-01-2023 00:06
