Thread subject: :: Sciomyzid literature request

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 31-03-2012 21:00

Some interesting Sciomyzid material collected in Ethiopia requires identification.
Has anybody the following sources:
Verbeke, J. 1950. Sciomyzidae (Diptera Cyclorrhapha). Fasc. 66. In: Explor. Parc natl. Albert, Miss. G. F. de Witte (1933-35). Brussels, Inst. Parcs Nat. Congo Belge.97 pp.
Steyskal, G. C. & J. Verbeke. 1956. Sepedoninae (Sciomyzidae, Diptera) from Africa and southern Arabia. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. 32 (7): 1-14.
Verbeke, J. 1963. Sciomyzidae Sepedoninae (Diptera: Brachycera). Explor. Parc natl. Garamba Miss. H. de Saeger. (1949-1952). 39 (3): 51-86.