Thread subject: :: Tachinid for ID, SE Spain --> Graphogaster vestita
Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 13-11-2011 22:28
Pictures taken by my friend Francisco Rodriguez in Alicante, SE Spain.
Can this be
Phasia? The vein r4+5 fits pretty well with most species but I cannot find anything that matches this fly. Probably I am missing something. Help, please!
Thanks in advance!
Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 26-11-2011 23:10
Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 13-11-2011 22:29
Another view.
Posted by ChrisR on 13-11-2011 22:38
It has significant bristles on the abdomen so cannot be
Phasia ... but it should be Phasinae. Perhaps
Rondania or something like that? Whatever it is, it looks very interesting :)
Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 13-11-2011 22:47
Well spotted, Chris!! I should have notticed that. Loads of bristles in the abdomen, so it is something else.
Will continue my research and let's see if Theo can put some light in this!
Thanks a lot for your help, Chris! :)
Posted by Zeegers on 15-11-2011 08:57
Looks very interesting, pretty dark for a Rondania but I don't have all species in the frontal lobe of my brain.
I have to check this one
Posted by ChrisR on 15-11-2011 10:40
I think I'll change horse mid-stream ... how about
Graphogaster? :)
Posted by Zeegers on 15-11-2011 10:48
That is it, Chris, thank you.
Posted by Zeegers on 15-11-2011 10:56
It is the male of Graphogaster vestita, you can see the marginals on T4 are lacking (though discals present), a very peculiar feature.
This species is relatively common in the Mediterrean, so that figures
Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-11-2011 10:59
Posted by Zeegers on 15-11-2011 11:02
Right !
Note that this species has a strong sexual dimorphism.
Posted by ChrisR on 15-11-2011 11:13
Very nice - I've never seen that one ... the only
Graphogaster we get here is
brunescens, but that's very rare and I've only ever seen it from Jari's samples from Finland. Do you find
Graphogaster generally rare in northern/central Europe Theo?
Posted by Piluca_Alvarez on 15-11-2011 15:01
Thanks sooooo much, Chris and Theo!!! This is really nice!! I never thought we might get even the species! Superb!
And Paul, I will ask Francisco for permission but I am pretty sure he is going to say 'Yes, of course!' He is way too grateful to you guys for all the help and patience IDing our Spanish stuff. And it isn't an easy task, just from pictures taken in the wild!
I will do my best to get you the
Peleteria ruficornisfor the gallery too ;)
Edited by Piluca_Alvarez on 15-11-2011 15:02
Posted by Zeegers on 16-11-2011 19:22
Well, there are more or less three branches of Graphogaster
Several species in the high mountains, all very rare
this vestita, as said pretty common in Mediterrean
and finally brunnescens, the only one in lowland temperate Europe. In my experience mostly in coniferous forests, so Finland should be ideal.