Thread subject: :: Leptempis maculata group

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-10-2010 10:48

Nothing coordinated has been published about the maculata group in thye last decades. A few papers have been published about the remainder of Leptempis. This is what I have concocted:

Provisional key to the species of the Empis (Leptempis) maculata group based on the key in Die Fliegen der Paläarktische Region and the later description of afipsiensis (Shamshev & Kustov, 2007).

1. Coxae dusted grey. Six scutellar setae (B, NL, D, CS, A, USSR: CET)...variegata Meigen, 1804
- Coxae yellow. Four-six scutellar setae...2

2. Cross veins, tips of longitudinal veins and wing tip itself darkened. Third antennal segment black. Aedeadus slender with basal swelling...3
- Wing markings only along the apical margin of the wing. Third antennal segment yellowish at base. Aedeagus without basal swelling...8

3. Abdominal venter black...4
- Abdominal venter yellowish...5

4. Third antennal segment yellowish at base. Eight mm or less (I, BG, GR)...adusta Loew, 1869
- Third antennal segment entirely dark. Almost 9 mm or more (Caucasus)...afipsiensis Shamshev & Kustov, 2007
Note: The size criterion did not seem to apply to an adusta specimen from Greece.

5. Wing base rusty yellow (CE, Mediterranean)...confusa Loew, 1865
- Wing base brownish or greyish...6

6. Cross veins indistinctly darkened (BG)...rava Loew, 1862
- Cross veins with distinct markings...7

7. Proboscis dark brown (YU)...gaigeri Gercke, 1886
- Proboscis yellow...8

8. All coxae with black dot (D, CS, A, H, F, I, YU)...maculata Fabricius, 1781
Coxae all yellow (Sicily, TR)...affinis Egger, 1860

9. Wing tip darkened. (USSR: TC [Ge])...apicalis Loew, 1865
- Resembling previous species but distinguished by shape of the male genitalia and by almost complete lack of darkening at the wing tip. (GR)...macra Loew, 1867