Posted by paqui on 26-08-2006 20:29
I?ve foundt in (I supose it will be in other bookshops too) a nice field guide:
Guide des mouches et des moustiques
-Author: J. and H. Haupt
-hardcover, 352 pages
-editor: Delachaux et niestl?
-year: 2000 (original edition 1998:
Fliegen und M?cken, german),
-price: approx 30e
it has many interesting comments:
*- Diptera?s speed: Tabanidae (about Kahis?comment they seem heat-missiles) can fly at 22Km/h. Cephenemyidae 40Km/h!!! are they perceptible or it?s you just feel something?s unbrushed your hair?:o
*-Ormia: it?s got "ears". Nice, i saw a tv program about it; an investigation tryng to find better ways to help people with hearing (??) problems. A poor nice Ormia was trapped over a painted ball (fixed too). They reporduced in a room the sound of a cricket coming from different sides and so the fly moved its legs in one or other direction following that sound, making the ball roll on the contrary direction!! ...