Thread subject: :: Furry syrphid

Posted by Juergen Peters on 19-05-2005 01:22


Yesterday I took this (not so good, sorry) picture of a syrphid with a size in between that of Cheilosia chrysocoma (see photo below, I took on 23-April, identity approved by an expert) and Merodon equestris. I lack the experience now to tell these apart when they are of such an intermediate size. Or is this not one of the two species? Thank you for help!

Here the C. chrysocoma:

And here another Cheilosia (?, does not be worthwhile a new thread). Is it possible to determine such a black species after that photo?

At last a picture of a yellow striped Syrphid. Is this Eupeodes luniger? Thanks!

Edited by Juergen Peters on 19-05-2005 01:24