Thread subject: :: Crushed Epistrophe euchroma?

Posted by NJG on 03-05-2005 20:27

This fly got crushed in my pocket after it apparently had escaped from my little petri dish. I have tried to make it look as good as possible as I suspected that it was something new to me. And indeed I think this should be a female of Epistrophe euchroma. However I have no other specimen of E. euchroma to compare it with. Therefore I was hoping that somebody could help me. Legs are yellow, exept for some dark near the base of the femurs. Frons black and yellow antennae. The typical spots between tergite 3 and 4 are not very clear, but just visible at the bottom-right picture. This feature may be more obvious in males than in females? Can anybody check this with a specimen in his/her collection? Help would be very appreciated!
Place: Koppenberg, Melden (yes: famous of the "Ronde van Vlaanderen")

Thanx in advance
