Thread subject: :: Latin and Greek

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 15-10-2009 07:39

I have found in my Lingvo:
halters [Gr., halteres, erum (eras) (Lat.: manipuli)
1) acervulus 2) bunch 3) bundle 4) cluster 5) fascicle 6) flocculus 7) lock 8) tuft

And here are some explanations from a Latin/Greek-speeking dipterist:
callichrómus, -a, -um [(Gr. kállos, chrôma) 'beautifully coloured']
callosóma [(Gr. kállos, sôma) 'with beautiful body']
callóstomus, -a, -um [(Gr. kállos, stóma) 'with beautiful mouth']
callósus, -a, -um [Lat.: 'with a (large) callosity']

Hydróphorus (m.) [(Gr. hydrophóros) 'bearing water'
Diáphorus (m) [(Gr. diáphoros) 'different']
Halteríphorus (m.) [(Gr. haltèr, phérein) 'bearing halters']

halterális, -e [(Gr. haltèr) 'with striking halters']
halterátus, -a, -um [(Gr. haltèr) 'with striking halters']


Edited by Igor Grichanov on 15-10-2009 07:40