Thread subject: :: asilidae

Posted by paqui on 06-07-2006 12:58

i?ve seen the CD for german species, has anyone any reference if it could cover spanish ones? i still can?t id genera, so i need a complete guide
thanks in advance

Posted by Robert Nash on 06-07-2006 15:35

Did you look at the Key part
parts of which cover Palaearctic sub-families, some genera and some species?. Robert

EDIT Paul Beuk: Robert, you may use the [ glos ] button to link to existing Glossary items. ;)

Edited by Paul Beuk on 06-07-2006 16:00

Posted by paqui on 06-07-2006 21:41

yes, thanks, i know (and with some articles form species from here :) ), but i?m looking for something "wider", thanks, anyway:)

Posted by Dysmachus on 29-07-2007 11:57

Unfortunately, there is no key to the genera for the Iberian Peninsula. Several new genera are described since ENGEL (1930). Nevertheless the Asilidae volume of "Fliegen der Pal?arktischen Region" is a base for identification. Please get in touch with me by email: http://www.geller...terest.htm

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-08-2007 02:08

I want to know the correct email of Geller Grimm. Thank you! (the mail that comes in site doesn?t work :S)