Thread subject: :: For each family in gallery

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 13-06-2006 10:44

Paul Beuk wrote:
Good idea in itself. Anyone who wants to submit info is welcome, but in my experience 'brief' descriptions for families do not really exist. At least not so brief that I expect that they can be used in the album descriptions...

You can do give depth info with images to help on this (not in Gallery, but we can put a link on there.) It would be an heraclian task :) (not herculian, I think.) I mean: you can (and others dipterists) put general info in gallery and then in-depth text explain so we can try really identify families. It is possible, I think. If possible for spiders, all of anyelse, it is very possible. :) But I understand what you mean with that.
But clues about lenght known, colors and variations possible, +possible habitats, beahvio(u)r, characters that a REAL :) dipterist do search everytime when he/she sees a dipter... would help a little more than nothing written.

Keep on the excellent work! This website is very useful and a great resource!