Thread subject: :: Limonia phragmitidis?

Posted by davenicholls on 16-12-2008 21:28

Can anyone confirm whether this is Limonia phragmitidis please? Seen in damp woodland near to open water in June (UK). Thanks

Posted by kitenet on 17-12-2008 00:06

It's the right time of year and habitat, and the photo looks pretty good for phragmitidis in terms of general shape and colours; the only thing that makes me hesitate is that my specimens all have a dark ring towards the end of the femora, which I can't see on your photo.

As far as I know the only alternative would be Limonia stigma, which I've never seen - it is supposed to be much rarer than phragmitidis and associated with drier woodland, but it does have a smaller dark apical ring on the femora. It's also supposed to have two spots on the wing as opposed to three for phragmitidis, but I can't make out from the photo which are spots and which are just darkened veins.

Have you got any other photos? Might be worth sending the photo/s to John Kramer (UK cranefly recording scheme) if no-one can give a definitive answer here.


Posted by davenicholls on 17-12-2008 17:20

Many thanks Martin, a really useful reply. Unfortunately I haven't another photo but will try the Cranefly Recording scheme as you suggest.