Thread subject: :: A blue fly

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 22-05-2006 04:04

May 21, 2006.
Size 3mm. Swept on a wet meadow with a lot of Ranunculus.

Posted by Jan Willem on 22-05-2006 06:25

Hi Black,

My guess would be Chamaemyiidae. Nice picture. This would be a nice one for the gallery (but let's first make sure to which family/genus/species it belongs).

Jan Willem

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-05-2006 09:41

Flattened shape of head, unicolorous frons: Chamaemyia sp.

Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 22-05-2006 10:31

Jan and Paul, thanks a lot for your useful notes.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-05-2006 17:58

I've got in my use fly itself, collected by Black after photografing.
It is difficult for me to decide wheather pulp is yellow or dark.
I think dark. If so, it is Ch. emiliae - yellow t and tarsus, and visible even on photo yellow spot on antenae 3-d right near arista base.
If pupl yellow - it is Ch. polystigma.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 26-05-2006 19:17

I think there a very, very few species of Chamaemyia that can be identified to species level on the basis of pictures like these. The genus is notoriously difficult... :(