Thread subject: :: Bombyliidae - Micomitra iris OR Micomitra stupida

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-08-2008 20:02

This is a new bombyliid for me. The katapisternum has a green patch clearly. (like a green opala). The occiput has the same colour. And the sternites has about 5 greenish spots too with black and white bands alternated. Frontalia is entirely black and shiny. It is almost bare. It has the same "hairs" as was seen in vivo.
The thorax and tergites are shiny. The first tergite has a pale brown dusting too.

It was spotted near Sagres with one of the most rich places with bees and wasps. The best place in Portugal to see unusual bees and wasps is there- :)

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 16-08-2008 16:12