Thread subject: :: Retezat National Park survey

Posted by cosmln on 18-07-2008 14:32

Susan R Walter wrote:
If you need help with the Calliphorids and no one else wants them, I would be happy to help. You just need to be aware that my experience is limited and I am still learning a lot, so I would like them for the practice it will give me - but maybe you want to practice too. :D Also my time is quite limited, so like Katerina's husband - 10s, not 100s please :D

Re the blue-eyed foal - horses do sometimes have pale eyes (some breeds much more than others) - always makes them look slightly mad once they are adult. It doesn't seem to affect their sight I don't think.

Hi Susan,

thanks a lot for your interest in helping this.
will put away calliphorids for you.
