Thread subject: :: Regarding Collins Field Guide INSECTS OF BRITAIN AND NORTHERN EUROPE

Posted by Andrius on 06-04-2006 11:45

Hello everyone,
I'm looking for a good insect field guide for students and as long as it is impossible to tell from the cover whether it is really good, I'd like to ask for some help :)
We've been using german translation, M. Chinery "Pareys Buch der Insekten", published in 1987 and it is so far the best book (as is it's original edition of 1986 in English). And now we need to buy some new books.
So here is my question - have someone seen the:
Collins Field Guide INSECTS OF BRITAIN AND NORTHERN EUROPE by Michael Chinery, pub. date 1993, and is the illustrations comparable with that of 1986 edition? I've seen that there is also "Complete British Insects" by M.Chinery, pub. date 2005, but it is photographic guide and sometimes it is better to have illustrations, not photos.
Maybe someone has 1993 edition or 2005 edition and could send a PM with photo of illustrations, to see how they really look - that would help me a lot ;)
Thank's for the patience while reading this and for any help!
