Thread subject: :: Dutch Dolichopodidae

Posted by Date on 09-11-2004 12:32


Anybody here who can tell me what literature to use to identify Dutch Dolichopodidae? I use d'Assis Foncesa (1978), covering the British species, and the on-line key on the Dolichopodidae Homepage, covering Sweden.
Both autors do not cover all the Dutch species though.
So, did I really cath Sciapus maritimus?



Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-11-2004 15:19

Meuffels, H.J.G., & P. Grootaert, 1990. The identity of Sciapus contristans (Wiedemann, 1817) (Diptera: Dolichopodidae), and a revision of the species group of its relatives. - Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Entomologie 60: 161-178.


Posted by Date on 09-11-2004 23:43

Thanks Paul,

I will try to get hold of the article via the NEV. Hope it is not in French!

Just in case another reader has a copy: please think of me.



Posted by Kahis on 11-11-2004 16:50

Date wrote:
I will try to get hold of the article via the NEV. Hope it is not in French!

Just in case another reader has a copy: please think of me.


I'm thinking of you right now! :o :D

The Sciapus paper is in clear and concise english. The authors are friendly guys and will probably send you a copy by mail free of charge, if you drop them a note. If you do this, ask also for a copy of Pollet's revision of Palearctic Achalcus - it is indispensable.

For most north/northwest european Dolies Igor's internet keys + d'Assis-Fonseca is enough. Try to find copies of doli volumes of E. Lindner: Die Fligen Palaearktische Region. It covers only about half of the fauna, and parts authored by Stackelberg are more or less obsolete, but the latter half by Negrobov is very useful, especially the revisions or Medetera and Rhaphium.

Edited by Kahis on 11-11-2004 16:51

Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-11-2004 18:21

If you really want to have something else to work with, I think you should try to get hold of Parent's key in Faune de France. There are some nomenclatorial hicoughs, but with a few recent catalogues and a but of knowledge of the French language you can come a long way.

Posted by Date on 15-11-2004 20:36

Thanks for the info, Kahis. Do you happen to know an (e-mail) address to get into contact with Meuffels and/or Grootaert?

Oh, and Paul, if you don't mind, Parent's key is too much French for me :(.



Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-11-2004 22:43

I have these addresses:

Patrick Grootaert:
Henk Meuffels: .

And by the way, learn French, could come in useful on other forums as well :p

Posted by Date on 25-11-2004 02:05

Thank you all for the information. I received the papers and both Sciapus from Rottumerplaat appeared to be S. maritimus.

