Thread subject: :: which Lucilia? => Lucilia sericata
Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 30-04-2024 07:38
Hi together,
is it possible to precisely identify this Lucilia? Photographed yesterday on a meadow in southwest Germany; Size approx. 8 mm.
Greetings Siggi
Edited by Siegfried Rudolf on 30-04-2024 09:38
Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 30-04-2024 07:38
pic. 2
Posted by eklans on 30-04-2024 08:27
Hello Siggi, it's a male
Lucilia sericata.
(the pale basicosta is hard to see, but the broad frons and the green tergite 1+2 excludes
L. silvarum which also has 3 pairs of acr bristles)
Edited by eklans on 30-04-2024 08:32
Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 30-04-2024 09:37
Thank you very much Eric,
Greetings Siggi
Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 25-10-2024 17:17
Hi together
I posted this fly on INaturalist just yesterday as
Lucilia sericata. They think that can't be true. The reason given was: "2 anterodorsal bristles on the middle tibia". I compared my pictures online and found that the middle tibia on my fly looks exactly the same as on
Lucilia sericata. Which is correct?
Here is the link:
Greetings Siggi
Posted by eklans on 25-10-2024 18:02
Hi Siggi, I do not see the 2 ad-bristles on t2...
Posted by Siegfried Rudolf on 27-10-2024 09:45
Hi Eric,
the enlargement of the image shows two bristles. But I cannot tell if both are anterodorsal.
Greetings Siggi