Thread subject: :: Tachinidae > Meigenia female Belgium 2024-04-15

Posted by Tetrao on 15-04-2024 17:13

Hello everyone !

I pictured this specimen in my garden on 2024-04-15 and could measure it on pictures between 7,0mm and 8,25mm.

I think all discriminating details found in Tschosnig could be found !

So is it a Meigenia ???

Trying to ID it to the species, I saw 2 oe so question is it always a female ?
As this is the smallest Meigenia I saw and pictured I'm afraid, normaly the male is smaller then the female?
I can see some hairs on the eyes but they seems so tiny (I woul say less then 4 eyes facets ... (?)

Many questions ...

Here are some pictures, I can send more if needed ...

Thank you for reading and commenting,
Have a good day,


Edited by Tetrao on 16-04-2024 14:16

Posted by Zeegers on 16-04-2024 11:17

Yes, it is a female Meigenia and yes, there are short hairs on the eye, but it is considered 'bare'. It is not majuscula.

Otherwise, we need males.


Posted by Tetrao on 16-04-2024 14:13

Thank you very much, Theo !!!
Do I have to put this female specimen in the so called Meigenia mutabilis group ? ( Meigenia dorsalis, mutabilis or uncinata )