Thread subject: :: Parasitic nematodes in Diptera Brachycera

Posted by Xespok on 27-04-2008 06:48

I think this is a typical problem of overrelying on a single character like that of the male genitalia. Similar mistakes were done by Mihalyi, who described a number of genera in nematode infested Fanniidae. In fact the Nematode does not seem to affect the development of most other external characters, except the male genera.

I think a good species can be defined as at least two major differences from all known species falling into two different categories located on two developmentally distinct regions of the specimen consistent withing a series of individuals.

By categories of differences I mean that a difference should be noted in coloration and chetotaxy, but differences solely on chetotaxy or coloration etc are always suspect. Variation is less likely to affect more than one category of features consistently.