Posted by Tjitske Lubach on 22-05-2023 11:02
A friend sent me a picture of an Asilidae. She said it was approximately 18 mm. I think it might be a female Dysmachus fuscipennis, but I don't know the species. Is it possible to make a determination based on these pictures ? Another suggestion is Eutolmus rufibarbis (automatic ID
Location: Indre 36 (France)
Date: 19-05-2023
Thanks in advance, Tjitske Lubach
Edited by Tjitske Lubach on 24-05-2023 21:23
Posted by JWV on 25-05-2023 08:37
Hi Tjitske,
I agree, the front femur with bristles excludes Didysmachus, furthermore there is only a short pile of hair on the ovipositor anteroventrally while for Di. picipes you would expect an ovipositor with long hairs antero-ventrally.
Eu. rufibarbis can be excluded the easiest on the form of the ovipositor as the ventral margin would have an "sinuation" and the cerci would point upwards.
Best, Jonne
Posted by Tjitske Lubach on 25-05-2023 09:02
Hello Jonne,
Thank you very much for the confirmation and the explications !
Best regards,