Thread subject: :: Calliphoridae: Female of Protophormia terraenovae? No, it's Lucilia sp.

Posted by kuv on 14-01-2023 22:39

Northern Germany, Schleswig-Holstein, Halstenbek near Hamburg, found in an area of tree nursery, at the edge of an earthwall (overgrown with small bushes like hazel, maple, roses, sloes, brambles) under big oaks, at a flower of Sorbus aucuparia; Outside Photos: kuv, 14th of May 2022. Is my idea - after searching in the Diptera info-Gallery - ok? Please help to get the ID.

Edited by kuv on 16-01-2023 13:54

Posted by kuv on 14-01-2023 22:44

2nd picture:

Posted by kuv on 14-01-2023 22:44

3rd picture:

Posted by eklans on 15-01-2023 11:47

Hi Kuv, it's not a Protophormia terraenovae:
Calypters are white and there are distinct acrs pre- and postsutural.
After some research I think it's a Lucilia sp.
(basicosta dark, palps pale brown, 2 acr post: could be a L. bufonivora, although the frons seems to be too large and should be narrower than one eye - from "Blow Flies" by Olga Sivell)

Posted by kuv on 16-01-2023 13:53

Thank you very much Eric :)
Greetings Kuv