Posted by JPecca on 05-12-2022 15:17
Hi, I'm looking for PDF materials on following:
An. arabiensis
An. coluzzi
An. gambiae
An. melas
I'm looking for something, to get me started please.
Any kind of help is very much appreciated, as I so far have no books. Thank You all very much for willingness to help.
Nice day to everyone
Edited by JPecca on 05-12-2022 17:34
Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 06-12-2022 14:34
The number of sources for this group of medical importance is huge. You should probably start with original descriptions of some members of the
gambiae complex you mentioned (
coluzzii, amharicus). References cited in that article would certainly be useful. It's available here:
Edited by Dmitry Gavryushin on 06-12-2022 14:34
Posted by JPecca on 08-12-2022 18:22
Dmitry Gavryushin wrote:
The number of sources for this group of medical importance is huge. You should probably start with original descriptions of some members of the
gambiae complex you mentioned (
coluzzii, amharicus). References cited in that article would certainly be useful. It's available here:
Thank You very much! PM sent,
Best regards,