Thread subject: :: Tachinidae -> Bessa selecta
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:44
I believe this should be Bessa.
I can't see any discal on T3, it does have on T4, though.
could it be B. paralella? or is it B. selecta? (Or something else)
South Norway 7th July, in garden.
Edited by MorganA on 03-12-2022 09:41
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:45
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:45
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:45
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:46
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:46
Posted by MorganA on 02-12-2022 23:46
Posted by Zeegers on 03-12-2022 08:42
Yes, I’d say Bessa selecta. Some individuals cannt be placed with certainty. B. parallella is associated with Yponomeuta snd when present often occurs in numbers. Selecta is more a loan wolf.
Posted by MorganA on 03-12-2022 09:40
Thank you! I have several other selecta from this year too so it makes sense. Don't think B. parallella is registered in Norway yet either, but it is in Sweden, so defo need to keep an eye for it.