Thread subject: :: Chloropidae of Normandy 02 (male).Which species?

Posted by Roy on 17-11-2022 19:37

here is a second Chloropidae of Normandy, male this one, found the 25 10 2022 with the female of this post.
Body length : 2,3 mm. Hypandrium length 0,2 mm.
I think it is a different species of the female but after...
Loaclity : Noron la poterie-Calvados-France

Is it possible to get species ?

Thank you by advance.

roy : France : Noron la poterie : 14490 : 25/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,3 mm.
Réf. : 315351
roy : France : Noron la poterie : 14490 : 25/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,3 mm.
Réf. : 315352
Hypandrium : ventral view.
roy : France : Noron la poterie : 14490 : 25/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,3 mm.
Réf. : 315379

Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 17-11-2022 20:39

Chloropidae, Oscinellinae: Gaurax Loew, 1863 spec. or G. ? suecicus. Typical characters for the Palaearctic Gaurax species: Third antennal segment much shorter than deep; the basal radial cell br , (= first basal cell, = anterior basal cell), closed distally by the r-m crossveina, is distinctly widened; at the junction of R2+3 with R3+4 those two veins in this photo start with a certain thickening. One day we will identify the peculiar species [which could be G. suecicus Nartshuk & Andersson, 2013] comparing the male genitalia. Please post a photo of the epandrium [treated also as "hypopygium", the capsule for the male genitalia] in left lateral view. Collect more of this species, which -if being suecicus- is only known as the holotype!

Edited by von Tschirnhaus on 17-11-2022 21:13

Posted by Roy on 19-11-2022 17:22

Hello von Tschirnhaus,
here is a lateral shot of the hypopygium.

I'm not used to finding the right incidence in lateral view. I hope we can go to the species with this shot...?

I have another male specimen that seems to belong to the same species so if you want I can send it to you.

Best regards.

roy : France : Noron-la-Poterie : 14490 : 25/10/2022
Altitude : NR - Taille : 2,3 mm.
Réf. : 315441

Edited by Roy on 19-11-2022 17:23

Posted by Roy on 28-11-2022 10:47

Hello von Tschirnhaus,
an idea with this new picture ?
Thank you by advance.

Best regards.


Posted by Roy on 15-12-2022 18:03

an idea,von tschirnhaus ?


Posted by Roy on 24-02-2023 18:00

Hello von tschirnhaus,
An idea please ?
Thank you by advance.


Edited by Roy on 28-02-2023 17:04