Thread subject: :: Exoristinae or Tachininae?->cf. Tachinini (Mikia, excluding M. tepens)

Posted by John Carr on 23-01-2024 22:33

It should be Anaeudora patellipalpis Mesnil, 1953, or Mikia patellipalpis if you keep the genera together. I do not have a copy of the original description, at page 157 of

Mesnil, L.P. 1953. Nouveaux tachinaires d’Orient. (2e partie.) Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 89: 146–178.

Yellow basicosta (前缘基鳞) excludes orientalis and nigribasicosta. Marked wings exclude japanica. Lack of median marginals (中缘鬃) on tergite 2 excludes apicalis. Entirely black abdomen and legs excludes yunnanica.

I have not seen a description of the later-described Mikia choui Wang & Zhang, 2012. The checklist of world species says it is recorded from "Central" China, defined as Gansu, Ningxia, and Shaanxi.